Warning Do not read anything here unless you accept our key philosophy. This is not research that can lead to publications, grants, projects, or other exterior rewards. But we both see such external limitations as an opportunity to be internally unlimited. We do not care that very few modern men still give any credit to those who prefer culture&science to business&networking&big-talking. You also have to choose one or the other; I see no middle way between such two understandings of life. They are engaged in a neverending enmity.

From a small "implementation detail" to a real manifesto on the artificial&injurious gap between theory and real computing

Point 1: paper Roadef 2019 on an implementation "detail"

Point 2: paper Roadef 2020, on the emptyness of living (only) in the luxury of theory

Point 3: paper Roadef 2021, towards a new understanding of the intertwining between theory and real-life computing

Point 4: paper Roadef 2022: Is there any exponential algorithm your operating system can run in almost no time? (youtube)

Complete argumentation From a small implementation detail to a real manifesto

Appendix (Roadef 2023–...)

D'un petit « détail d'implémentation » vers un vrai manifeste sur le clivage artificiel et toxique entre la théorie et la programmation

Point 1: papier Roadef 2019 sur un « détail d'implémentation »

Point 2: papier Roadef 2020, sur le vide d'une vie vécue (que) dans le luxe offert par la théorie

Point 3: papier Roadef 2021, un nouveau regard sur l'interpénétration entre la théorie et la programmation (youtube)

Point 4: papier Roadef 2022: existe-t-il un algorithme exponentiel que votre système d'exploitation peut exécuter presque instantanément? (youtube)

Argument complet D'un « petit détail » d'implémentation vers un vrai manifeste

Annexe (Roadef 2023–...)

If chance has brought you here, check some non-science ideas in the same style

Si la chance t'as amené ici, voici quelques idées non-scientifiques de même style

My mind goes to this 'After the war' game that I played in the 1990s. We
arrived in the game after the war; this is how we found our (statue of) liberty.
The modern frivolous play with the word 'freedom' should make people smile.