Exercices on JSP/Servlets (1)

Exercice 1

Question 1

Write a JSP which computes the sum of two numbers a and b, passed as GET arguments.

Question 2

Write a HTML page with a form, sending to the JSP you wrote in the first question.

Question 3

Write a Servlet to do the actual computation. You will use a JSP only to display the result.

Question 4

Modify your servlet so that it displays a form (in GET mode) and the result (in POST mode). Don't care about errors.

Question 5

Add proper error processing and display to your servlet.

Exercice 2

Fetch the classes in the source files. Which pattern is used by ForumFacade ?

Question 1

Write a servlet and corresponding JSP to display a message whose ID is passed as argument.

Question 2

Write a servlet and corresponding JSP to display the list of messages titles.